Sadie Girl

Sadie Girl
My Leukemia Warrior

Friday, July 1, 2011

Home Sick

Sadie and maggie

Well, sadie still hasnt cleared the methotrexate yet.  Her 42 hour mark was at a 0.73, her 48 hour mark went up to a 0.79, her 60 hour mark was at a 0.22, and her 72 hour was at a 0.15.  0.09 is the magic number.  She started in with a slight fever yesterday afternoon and into today.  If it spikes any higher, we will have to stay even if she clears the chemo.  The princess is absolutely miserable today.  You can totally tell that she doesnt feel good. The only joy she had was little maggie.  They are like best buds now, and im so happy that sadie has her to hang with.  They are so adorable together.  I had the doc run a CBC on sadie, and based on those counts, she needed a blood tranfusion.  Her platelets were low at an 86,000, but not low enough to tranfuse.  Her whites are at a 2.56 which is low but higher than what were used to, so i am grateful for that. All energy has been restored after the blood transfusion. Nanaw came for a sleepover last night after my mom left, so that helped with sadies mood alot.  It keeps her distracted and content.  They played bingo, hide and seek, and went on a venture (adventure) as sadie calls it. They were both wore out. Sadly, nanaw had to leave this morning, so sadie is now stuck with just me and dad.  She has to be sick of seeing us. We are all so ready to go home. I am so grateful for this place, but I absolutely hate being here. We spend more time here than we do at home.  A couple days in sadie starts getting restless and in turn, that puts me on edge.  She does so much better in her own environment.  People are constantly coming in and out of the room to do this test, or that medicine, or take vitals, room service, housekeeping, blah blah blah.  Its so aggravating.  On top of all of those disturbances, this hospital is considered a learning hospital, so there are tons of student doctors that roam the floor.  Here is where I get fired up. These students are so rude.  They come in your room at 6-6:30 in the morning, wake you up and insist that your child wake up so they can pick and poke at them.  They are pushy and in your face, and dont even know what there talking about. By the time one leaves, another one is coming in to do the same thing, and ask the same questions.  This pattern repeats all day every day. They swarm these halls like flies on shit, and not a one of them know what the hell there doing.  I know these things sound awful of me to say, but let me give you some examples.  A male student comes in our room and wakes us up.  He proceeds to pull sadies pants and underwear off so he can look at her butt.  Shes fighting to keep them up as he keeps pulling them down.  His reasoning for doing this he said was because he was looking for a cold in her butt.......hahahahahahaha, LMFAO.  I am not even kidding.  For one, her own doctor has never pulled her pants down and neither has her nurses, for two, your a perverted freak, for three, if you step foot back in this room your gonna wish you hadnt, and for four, what the hell does a cold in your butt even mean??? DUMB ASS....... Another time, when sadie had her knee infection, a student comes in at 6:30 in the morning and starts ripping her bandage off  her leg as sadie is sleeping simply because she is curious to see it.  Her knee was so sore and swollen that she couldnt even walk on it, but this #*%$@ wants to walk in, wake her up, peal her bandage off, then leave me with a crabby child all day??????  I dont think so, get the hell out!!!!!!  Those are just some of the things we have encountered with these ya-hoo's. The part that pisses me off the most is that there is a big sign on our door everytime we are here that asks them to please stay out.  Now either they cant read, or they dont care, so I called the hospital super, and flipped out.  She told me that we had the right to rufuse them and they knew this yet they chose to go against our wishes of not seeing them.  This just further infuriated me.  They have no authority here, no decision making power, no nothing.  I dont even believe they are able to give medical advice. It is strictly learning for them.  The real kicker is that they are not even going to school to be in the cancer field, they just need to put there hours in somewhere.  So here we have a whole group of students going from room to room, spreading germs to immune compromised children, pokeing at them, making them cry, and doing absolulty nothing but putting these kids through more misery than what they already go through on a daily basis.  Havent these kids gone through enough, dont they go through enough with there own nurses and doctors?? Learning hospital or not, I refuse to let them learn on my child.  Go google what a heartbeat sounds like, go google what an infected knee looks like, go google what a cold in the butt looks like and i bet you find nothing you sick freak................ I seriously gotta get out of here.


  1. Prayers are with you guys,you are all always on my mind...Off to due dog we call Hope you guys get to come home today. Hang in there...Turn it over to God, again..

  2. i'll always keep you in my prayers!!!!

  3. Throw them all out of your room. Make that sign on the door say ATTN: all residents, interns and Med students....Stay the F out! This means you!
    I agree, now is not the time to be letting anyone learn on your baby. Stay strong.

  4. "a cold in the butt" believe me Jess if that was my child that guy would be the one in serious need of a doctor i.e. Plastic surgeon because i would have broken not only every bone in both of his hands but i would have stomped on his face so many times they would've taken me to jail for attempted homicide. i have to hand it to you, you are much better at holding your cool then i would have been.
